Monday, August 16, 2010


It surprises me how few Filipinos know about this food!  I first had these 10 years ago when my mom's co-worker brought a tray to my high school graduation party.  Besides it's funny name, I remember how delicious they were! Then, 7 years ago, I randomly created my own recipe by happenstance--making do with these simple ingredients I found in our fridge.  Here is my easy-to-make, uncomplicated version:

Ingredients: (Warning: this recipe usually makes for a huge batch!!! Hehehe) 
- 2 lbs. immitation crab meat/crab sticks (the stringier they are, the easier they are to chop up)
- 1 lb. small, peeled and cooked shrimp (I usually use the frozen ones that come in a bag)
- 2 cups kabocha squash (kalabasa), peeled and cut into strips
- 2 cups carrots peeled and cut into tiny strips
- 3 cups green onions (chopped)
- 5-6 eggs (beaten)
- 2 1/2 cups cornstarch
- 4 cups of canola oil (for deep fry)
-Salt and Pepper (to taste)


*Thaw crabmeat and shrimp.  Strain to rid of excess fluid and mositure.  Chop crab meat into small strips.

 * Chop vegtables into small bits:  slice carrots and squash into small, strips.  Mix veggies with crab and shrimp mix.  Season veggie and seafood mix with salt and pepper to desired taste.

* Beat eggs and mix thoroughly with seasoned vegetables and seafood.  Once mixed, slowly add cornstarch into mixture until entire mixture has pasty consistency.  The entire mixture should not be runny.  If runny, continue to add cornstarch until tacky.

* Preheat oil in a shallow frying pan.

*In a shallow, deep fry, spoon mixture into the pre-heated oil and fry until golden brown.  Turn and repeat for the other side.

* Let cool on a tray of paper towels to absorb excess oil.  Serve with ketchup or vinegar/garlic dip.



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