Sunday, August 29, 2010

Paella Mariscos (Seafood Paella)

It has been a laborious feat getting to finally make this favorite dish of mine.  Oh Paella, how I love thee!  This is the closest I've gotten and will get to some aunthentic Paella (that's until I find myself in Spain in a few years!).  And by authentic, I mean ingridients-wise.  In the past, I've only had the Filipino-paella version that they call aroz vallencia, which has always been made with sweet sticky rice.  I'm not very fond of the sticky rice version.  Therefore, I searched high and low (locally) to find the appropriate type of rice typically used in real paellas, called calasparra/bomba rice. It's ability to absorb fluids and remarkably retain flavors without losing it's texture, makes this, indeed, the perfect paella rice.

Seafood paella calls for a long list of ingridients, but the cooking instructions are quite simple and can be done in a snap.

  • ½ pound of boneless, skinless chicken breast tenderloins
  • 1 pound of shrimp, cleaned and deveined
  • ½ pound bay scallops
  • 12 – 18 mussels, scrubbed
  • ½ pound chorizo sausage

  • 2 Roma tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 large red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1.5 cups of frozen peas
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • ½ teaspoon of black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika
  • ¼ teaspoon of saffron

  • 2 cups of rice (casparella/bomba, or risotto)
  • 5 cups + chicken broth

Cooking Instructions:

- Heat olive oil in paella pan (large, flat and wide pan)

-Sautee garlic, onion, and chicken.  Add salt to season the chicken.  Stir in the chopped tomatoes and red bell peppers, and stir until chicken is seared.  Add chorizo sausage and continue to stir.

-Add calasparra rice and stir until rice is mixed in well. I added the rice in a crossed manner to eye how much rice is distributed throughout the pan and to give me an idea how much chicken broth it will take to cook the rice thoroughly.  It may take more than the amount listed above, so keep extra stock on hand.

- Add chicken broth until the rice mixture is submerged.  Add saffron and paprika.  Add seafood (scallops, shrimp and mussels).  Let the pot simmer for about 20-25 minutes, ocassionally stirring and adding broth when reduced.  Simmer until rice is cooked. Add peas and stir.  Simmer for an additional 7 minutes until all fluid is absorbed by rice.  Remove pan from heat and let rice settle for 5 mins.  Serve.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Melon N' Cream Fresca Salad / Melon Agua Fresca

It's been scorching hot the past few days, and what better way to the pallate, a luscious CANTALOUPE MELON  dessert!  A borrowed recipe from a family friend and amped up the ingridients just a little bit for a little bit of umph!  Though preparation for some of it's ingredients maybe a bit time consuming, putting it all together is a cinch!  Juice extracted from the melon maybe set aside and made into a refreshing drink!

- 2 ripe cantaloupe melons (the more fragrant the better = the sweeter!)
- 1 bag of small tapioca (red/pink)  - 2 cans of Nestle table cream or heavy whipping cream
- 1 small can of condensed milk  - 2 boxes of UNFLAVORED gelatin powder (red)
- 1 can almond jelly
- 1 jar pineapple jelly (Nata de Pina) or coconut jelly (Nata de Coco)

Nata de Coco (Coconut jelly)

Nata de Pinya (Pineapple Jelly)

Preparation and Instructions:  (Prepare the gelatin and tapioca ingredients first before the rest of the other ingridients. 

-Gelatin: Dissolve 2 boxes of gelatin powder into 4 cups of water in a pan on low heat.  Stir until gelatin powder is dissolved and thickens.  Once gelatin mixture comes to a slight simmer, pour into a large glass bakin pan and refrigerate until gelatin hardens. 


 In a large pan,  bring 5-7 cups of water to a boil and add tapioca into boiling water.  Important:  continually stir until tapioca cooks, expands and is transluscent.  Remove from heat and place tapioca into a strainer to remove excess water.  Place in a bowl and refrigerate until tapioca cools and slightly hardens.

- In a separate large bowl, cut cantaloupes into quarters and grate.  Tip:  Do not grate until the white of the cantaloupe's skin to avoid bitterness when cantaloupe mixes with cream.  Pour grated cantaloupe into a strainer to filter out juice.  Save and set juice aside for(another yummu recipe!)
- Remove and strain pineapple jelly from syrup.  Do the same for the almond jelly, and cut into cubes.  (Set half a cup aside for the cantaloupe juice)
-Add jellies into bowl of grated cantaloupe.  Remove unflavored, red jello from cooling, cut into small squares, and add into bowl.  Add cooled tapioca also into the bowl.

unflavored red gelatin, pineapple jelly, grated cantaloupe, almond jelly

- Stir until are ingredients are mixed well.

- Add cream and condensed milk and mix well.  Refrigerate for 2-3 hours for best results.  Best served when chilled.



 Add water to dillute, ice, sugar, almond jelly, and a bit of grated melon for garnish.  Chill...serve...and VIOLA!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Seafood & Tofu in Spicy Black Bean Sauce


I'm a big fan of tofu.  And shrimp. And blackbean sauce.  And when you combine them all together, you have one flavorful dish!  Another simple and easy recipe haphazardly put together, from scratch!  It's quite hearty and ligth to the same time.


-1/4 lb large shrimp (de-shelled and de-veined)
- 1/4 lb cuttle fish steaks (body, scored-hatched on the back)
- 2 small blocks fried tofu (approx. 2 1/2 cups) (cubed)
- 1 cup green bell peppers (cubed)
- 1/2 cup green onions (coarsely chopped)
- 2 cloves garlic
- Half an yellow onion (coarsely chopped)
- 1 tbsp Sriracha hot chili sauce
- 2 tbps Black bean garlic sauce
- 1 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
- Pinch of salt
- 2 tbsp cooking oil


Preparation and Instructions:

- Heat cooking oil in pan.  Add garlic and onion into pan and sautee until onion is transluscent.  Add shrimp and cuttlefish, stir and sautee.  Add cubed tofu and continue to sautee.  Add green bell peppers, black bean sauce, hot chili sauce and oyster sauce.  Stir and let simmer for 7 mins.  Turn heat low and add green onions and stir.  Continue to let simmer for 5 minutes, ocassionally stir.